The TipLink Reporter
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The TipLink Reporter is a combination of a Clarion Utility template that exports all the Tooltip data from your application into an XML file and the TipLink Analysis program.

The TipLink Reporter makes it easy for you to know:

·How many controls in your application are candidates for Tooltips  

·How many controls in your application have Tooltips  

·How many controls in your application are missing Tooltips  

You can view this information in well formatted screens and reports that show:

·All Tooltips (filled and missing)  

·Filled Tooltips only  

·Missing Tooltips only  

·For all procedures in your application  

·For selected procedures in your application  

You can also set filters to skip reporting on any of the controls that are candidates for tooltips (in case you do not put tips on them). A good example of this would be Tabs and Groups.

There is also an option to skip reporting on procedures that have controls that are universally used - but where no tooltip is normally applied. A good example of this is CapeSoft's MessageBox.

This is cool - but what if I want to use it with C5 or C55?

TipLink Reporter is a part of the TipLink tool set (and the main TipLink.tpl file requires C6xx), but we realize that some developers may want to use this utility with programs that are still being maintained in versions of Clarion older than C6xx. For that reason, the TipLink Reporter Utility template is included as a separate file called TLUtils.tpl.

You can register the TLUtils.tpl file with C5 or C55, then place the TipLink.exe file in the \BIN folder (along with this help file if desired) and it will work fine with the older versions of Clarion.