The TipLink Synchronization Template
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If you use tooltips in your programs, you will love the TipLink Synchronization template!

TipLink will save you time, money and a lot of frustration.

If you use advanced interface templates to breathe new life into your Clarion programs and provide the look and feel that users expect from modern software - you need TipLink!

The overall visual effect of these tools on your program is wonderful, but this new vitality often comes with a price to pay, each of these systems has their own way of managing Windows tooltips.

When you use more than one system in your program you end up duplicating work and adding layers of complexity to your software.

This quickly becomes difficult to maintain.

Enter TipLink!

TipLink lets you select one tooltip controller to be in charge of your program's tooltips. TipLink then automatically locates other tooltip controllers in your program and provides thread safe communication between them to synchronize the look and feel of all your tooltips.

With just a few minutes work you can forget about tooltip problems forever!

With TipLink, you deliver a more professional interface and your users enjoy all the expected behavior by the tooltips in your software.

TipLink makes it easy for you to

·Standardize all Tooltip behavior  
·Let users switch Tooltips On and Off  
·Allow users to choose between Balloon and Normal Tooltip modes  
·Simplify your programming by automatically saving and restoring tooltip preferences  

TipLink supports native Clarion Tooltips and the following 3rd Party Tooltip systems

·PowerOffice XP-Taskpanel  
·PowerOffice OutlookBar  
·PowerOffice PowerToolbar  
·xToolTip by SealSoft Company  
·CoolTips by Keystone Computer Resources  
·MS Tooltips by NIKA Software  

Even if you don't use one of these 3rd Party Tooltip systems, you can still benefit by using TipLink.

It just takes a few clicks for you to enable your users to turn Tooltips On or Off and to take advantage of the TipLink feature to automatically Save and Restore tooltip preferences.

TipLink is template based, so no hand coding is necessary. The routines for changing Tooltip modes or turning Tooltips On or Off can be activated by code templates or you can call them manually.

Adding TipLink management and synchronization to your program is as simple as adding a global extension template, selecting your Tooltip manager and compiling.

** Not all tooltip controllers or Third Party tools provide the same level of functionality. TipLink synchronization may not be 100% with some product combinations