General Settings Tab
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The General Settings Tab is where you make most of your selections.


Since TipLink is a smart template, the global template is very simple and has only a few controls that need to be set.

Most of the defaults should work for you.


The Enable TipLink button is checked by default. If unchecked, no TipLink code is generated in your program.


To use TipLink, the first thing you need to do is select which tooltip controller you would like to be in charge of the tooltips in your program.

Note: TipLink will use the capabilities of the controller you choose to find a common ground between it and the other Tooltip controllers in your program. Obviously some controllers (such as Clarion) do not have certain features (such as balloon tips). So this will establish a baseline between the controllers.

By default the template defaults to Clarion as being in charge. If you are using a more advanced tooltip controller to provide balloon tooltips, select it from the list.

Click here for some specific details on using xToolTip


TipLink gives you complete control over code generation and how tooltips work in your program.

By default TipLink will automatically locate and generate code for all of the PowerOffice Tooltip controllers unless you have unchecked one of these boxes. There is no need to uncheck these boxes (since no code is generated if a particular controller is not found), but we provide the ability for you to selectively decide not to generate code.

If you have Clarion selected as the tooltip controller, you will have an option (checked by default) to use Normal tooltips with the PowerOffice tools. This will override any setting for balloon tips that might be enabled on those tools and synchronize them to look like other (Normal) Clarion tooltips. If Clarion is not selected as the tooltip controller, this option will be disabled.


To generate the code used to communicate between Tooltip controllers and the code for turning Tooltips On/Off and Changing Tooltip modes, it is important to correctly identify the MAIN procedure.

TipLink will use Main by (generated by Clarion as the default) as the procedure that is the center of activity in your program (usually the Appframe). If you use another name for this procedure - change it here. The code that is used to communicate with the child windows in your program and the routines that are used to allow the user to turn tooltips on/off or change shapes is only written to the procedure selected here.

If you are adding TipLink to a DLL, this selection box will be disabled and you will see this message:


Click here to see the Advanced Settings tab