By default, the TipLink Reporter analyzes all Clarion controls that are candidates for tooltips.
However there are some controls where you may not routinely use tooltips.
The TipLink Reporter makes it easy to filter out these from the analysis so you can avoid false positives.
To select a filter, click the Analysis Filters tab:
On this tab, you will see the following options:
The first option will suppress the No Tooltip Found message - leaving space on the printed report so you can use it as a worksheet for tooltip planning.
The second option will suppress reporting of the procedures used by CapeSoft's Message Box template. These windows are generic windows used throughout the application and do not normally have tooltips. Enabling this filter will result in the controls and procedures being omitted (even though they may be in the XML export file).
Below these options you see:
Checking these boxes results in any control of that type being skipped in the analysis.
Two common controls you want to skip might be: Tabs and Groups.
Note: Your settings are automatically saved when you exit the program and reloaded when it is restarted. These settings are stored in a local TipLink.ini file in the application folder. This makes it possible for them to vary from application to application.
There are also buttons to:
Check All options - check all the boxes
Uncheck All options - uncheck all the boxes
Reload Saved Settings - restore the last saved settings without your needing to exit/restart the program